Thursday, August 23, 2012


Girls go from icky to pretty, pretty to cute, cute to hot, hot to sexy, sexy to bang able, bang able to easy, easy to clingy, and from clingy to gone.

Count your lucky stars guys because when you are a douche bag, you only have so many chances before girls stop going after you. I mean, sure for awhile its fun. Its fun to get a couple different girls in the span of two months. Or if you're really good, a few weeks. Now all of the sudden you are getting nasty looks because you screwed over somebodies best friend, somebodies sister, somebodies daughter. Now you are crowned ass hole of the year because you used and abused a couple of  relationships with girls who were so out of your league.

But the funny thing get rewarded! Everybody knows you are a douche. Yet you get girls who think they will change you. Girls who believe that they have everything to mold you into Mr. Respectable. Some one that they can bring home to mom and dad. But guess what? IT DOESN'T WORK! Surprise, surprise. So you've left, yet another, heartbroken girl in your wake.

So here's the moral. Don't be THAT GUY. The guy that will break a girls heart and not bat an eye lash. The guy that's crowned a player. Because when you finally decide you want a serious relationship, or you find the right girl that you actually want to keep. You are screwed!! You now have to work 50 times harder in convinving this girl that you aren't going to hit it and quit it! And I promise you, she still won't trust you. You're now in for the long haul with this girl you think you're in love with. All because you thought you were hot stuff. But then again, if you were THAT GUY, you deserve it. It's karma. :)