Thursday, October 11, 2012

The definition of trust is---reliance: confidence in and reliance on good qualities, especially fairness, truth, honor, or ability.
T- time
R- respect
U- understanding
S- safety
T- trust
1. Trust takes TIME the build. You will not trust somebody over night. Over TIME you build a bond and a mutual respect for each other. You confide in this person with things you normally wouldn't trust with other people.
2. When you grow to trust some one it comes with RESPECT for that person. You RESPECT them enough to tell them things and you connect on a level that not every body connects on.
3. When you get to know some one, you form and UNDERSTANDING of the  kind of person they are. Whether they're strong emotionally or reliant on people for support. As a trustworthy friend you become their go to for talks or support.
4. After awhile you/ they become your/their safe house. The shelter in the storm. They seek a form of safety from you. Feeling safe with you/them is a number 1 when it comes to trust.
5. Trust is like a sense of humor, you either have it, or you don't. Having someone trust you is a reward, a very fragile gift that you should cherish and honor. Because there is no receipt for that gift. And once you break that form of trust, respect, understanding, and safety towards one another..there is a possibility you won't ever get it back.
Trust is a five letter word...that means so much. Trust makes and breaks relationships.
 Trust is love. Trust is life. Trust is honor...and that is something worth striving for.