Sunday, December 23, 2012

For My Friends

 To My Friends

My friends are my life, my source of amusement, my happiness, my rock..and my weakness.
You make me stronger and show me what family in a friendship is all about. I spend more time with you then I do my own family. But the thing is..every hour at school, all of the lat nights/early mornings, every break-up/make-up, and every fight and apology is with you, for you, and about you.
Sometimes friendships are underestimated or abused and losing that friendship is like losing a bit of your soul. It's like watching a piece of yourself float off into the distance with no way of returning. And building a friendship is a gradual process that sneaks up on you and sometimes you don't even realize it has happened.
But at times it's hard to know who your real friends are and who aren't. How I can tell is when I don't care what I look like when I'm around them. Or when I don't care how I act or how they perceive me. I know they are my friends when they have an 'open door' policy when I'm at their house. Or they agree with me even when they totally disagree, tell me I'm right when I'm obviously wrong. They stick with me during my 'moments' and tell me everything will be OK because they've got my back. I love my second family. I love everything about them. Everything from our stupid inside the unnecessary, magnified fights, to the trash talk and venting hours, and to just being there for each are my everything. Now and forever. <3