Saturday, May 24, 2014

These days I feel like there are relationships left and right. Someone has released love into the air and people are shacking up or becoming official. To me though, there is a difference between a relationship and an agreement. A relationship is where you are open with and trust someone with all of your deepest secrets. An instance where you just enjoy spending your time with a specific person and see no other way to spend it. An agreement is where two people just become official without any prior knowledge of the other person and how they act or how they will re act to certain things. Granted, you never really fully know a person but I think that having to check in with your significant other every two minutes because they are to insecure in you relationship is ridiculous. When you have to change your personality around that person to try and impress them, there is something seriously wrong with your head. Grow a pair of balls. Be strong. Stand up for yourself! Don't mold to fit in to somebody else's life if you're just going to lose yourself in the process. If you are independent and comfortable with yourself as a person then why would you even want to be with a person that puts you down and makes you feel stupid. That person that you choose to be with should make you feel good about yourself. Not only that but they should accent the best parts of you and make you rethink your worst. That other person should make you want to be a better person, not for them but for yourself. So I say, the moment you feel the need to prove yourself to someone is the moment you need to walk away from them. Don't lose yourself in the process of trying to find someone else.